Keep your child’s smile healthy and bright with dental services tailored to their unique needs. Whether you want to protect your child’s teeth, maintain their oral health with dental checkups and personalised oral hygiene instruction or are looking for cavity treatments with dental fillings, we’re here to support you and your family with gentle guidance and targeted dental treatments.
Cavities are one of the most common dental problems in children. But they are easily prevented with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. If you notice the onset of decay in your little one’s teeth, dental fillings can help stop the decay in its tracks. Even more importantly, catch decay early and “no drill” options exist ! Remember that “baby” teeth will generally be lost before they turn 12 and “the drill” can often be totally avoided if decay is treated early enough.
We offer different types of filling material suited to your kid’s age and teeth.
Tooth extraction may sometimes be needed for an extensively damaged tooth. or when teeth are overcrowded. Crowding can affect the alignment of developing teeth, whereas decayed baby teeth can risk the surrounding healthy teeth. We do not suggest a tooth extraction for kids without careful consideration. It’s only when the health and function of healthy teeth are at risk of being compromised that a tooth extraction may be recommended.We generally recommend teeth only be extracted when required for pain management or for other reasons relevant to keeping the young patient happy.